Here is a preview of one of my favorite productions of 2017: a video I produced for a town home complex in my city.

The purpose of this breakdown is to show the steps involved in creating something of this quality on a very limited budget. My approach helped minimize cost for the client while still achieving a high-quality product.


  1. First step was a meeting with the manager of the complex to talk about general ideas for the direction of the story.
  2. After the general idea is established and the client budget is approved, I create what is called a “project outline.” This is a one-page breakdown of the story line, production estimates, client responsibilities, and the flow of our production process.
  3. After a week of presenting it to all of the hands involved, I work up a contract agreement and receive half of the payment for services.
  4. There were pre-production meetings with the crew and with the company’s Brand and Marketing specialist to talk about look, feel, and style of the production.
  5. Next step was to find on-screen talent for the production. Due to our client’s limited budget, we engaged local actor friends that were more than happy to help with the shoot.
  6. Our production designer/craft services person spent the whole week before the shoot tracking down props, food, beer, and extras, pulling in favors when we could.
  7. After everything was in place, we had a final meeting with the entire crew: myself as the director/DP/camera operator, the grip/gaffer/camera assistant, makeup artists, and production designer. We made our last-minute changes and then prepped gear for the full two-day production.